Paper vases lets you play around with shapes, colors, patterns

Vases usually take a back seat to the flowers and plants that they house since the main attraction are the flora. Usually they are just functional or if they do have designs, they’re not always that eye-catching and can sometimes be minimalist. But who says you can’t have attractive flowers and also beautiful vases with various colors and patterns?

Designer: Super Nature Design

The Dot Dot Dot Paper Vase is one kind of vase that will catch your attention even before you put flowers or plants in them. From its name of course you can deduct that they are made from paper but it’s not just any ordinary paper but ones that have different colors, patterns, and shapes. It can spark creativity in the “viewer” and can also serve as an interactive canvas together with what you’ll put in it.

Since the material is paper, you will also be able to fold, shape, and decorate it in any way you want. You can use it to either complement the flora that you’ll put in it or provide a startling contrast to add to the visual smorgasbord. Minimalists will probably not be that fond of it because of the vibrant colors and the textured patterns.

The paper vases have different colorways like green, red, violet, yellow, and pink, but always with the white color creating patterns. There are also different shapes like circles, spirals, half moons, and lines. They can add an artful feel to your space aside from serving its function as a vessel.

The post Paper vases lets you play around with shapes, colors, patterns first appeared on Yanko Design.


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