Hershey’s Sued for Misleading Package Designs

A Florida woman has filed a lawsuit against candy giant Hershey’s, alleging that the package designs are misleading. One of the offending packages is this Halloween-themed one, for Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins:

Turns out the actual candy is missing the facial features:

According to Reuters,

“[Plaintiff Cynthia Kelly] said she would not have paid $4.49 in October at an Aldi for a bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins, had she known that the candies not only lacked the ‘cute looking’ carved eyes and mouth shown on the packaging, but any carvings at all.

“The complaint said Hershey’s labels ‘are materially misleading and numerous consumers have been tricked and misled by the pictures on the products’ packaging.'”

Other offenders include Reese’s Peanut Butter Footballs with no laces and Ghosts with no eyes.

Kelly’s seeking $5 million in damages.

I used to work in corporate package design, and have a question for those of you that did too: If anyone’s getting fired, do you reckon it’ll be someone in Graphics, or the Marketing person who undoubtedly requested the specifics of the images?


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