A Desktop GIF Displayer?

This seems like a silly throwaway object, and to me it is. But it says something about the divide between the digital and the physical, and attempts to bridge them. As people’s lives are increasingly being dominated by 2D screens, the manufacturer of this Cyber Cube has created a gewgaw that is essentially a physical, standalone desktop GIF shrine:

The diminutive 1.3″ screen can display 240 x 240 GIFs (any bigger, and you’ll have to resize them). And if it’s not obvious, there’s a transparent mirror at a 45-degree angle inside, reflecting the actual screen in the base. The company describes the projected image as a “hologram,” but I think that’s kind of a stretch.

Anime fans are apparently a target market:

This is one of those objects that I’m sad exists—how much stuff do we need on our desks–but that I understand there’s a market for.

It runs $40.


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