Core77 Weekly Roundup (9-3-24 to 9-6-24)

Here’s what we looked at this week:

Skyline Robotics’ Ozmo is a robotic window washer for skyscrapers.

The HoverAir X1, a folding, autonomous flying action camera, has clocked $3.1 million-plus on IndieGogo.

Rethinking the ergonomics of the nail clipper: Khlip reverses the direction of leverage.

The St. Pauli Bunker is a Nazi anti-aircraft structure transformed into a green cultural center and urban farm.

This Hybrid Dog Harness, by industrial design firm BKID, has better UX.

Hoxxoh, a former architect turned mural artist, hacks sprinklers to spray paint.

New production method: Digital Sheet Forming allows you to form sheet metal without presses, tools and dies.

A visual archive of audio cassette tape designs.

Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Joystick is designed for players with limited mobility. They went the extra mile with the package design.

This clever design for a fastener-free coatrack is by furniture designer Shinya Yoshida.

Industrial design case study: Sundberg-Ferar spots “compensatory behaviors” to design pruners with better UX.


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