The Owlet: A New Form Factor for the E-Bike

While I think the aesthetics are slightly wonky, this Owlet is an interesting design departure for the e-bike form factor:

It’s sort of like, if you were in a manufacturing facility and wanted to make a bike, but didn’t have access to the right materials.

At this point, details are light; the eponymous startup producing the Owlet hasn’t got a price or production date locked down yet. But here’s what we can glean from their Spartan website:

The wheelbase, which looks awfully short to me, is adjustable from 25″ to 40″ (“Sportbike” and “chopper” modes, in the company’s language). It’s not clear whether you can make the adjustment on-the-fly, or if it’s something you do in your garage with tools. As for why they offer such a short wheelbase, the company points out that “Owlet fits seamlessly into elevators, integrating into [the] urban living lifestyle.”

The Owlet has no pedals, just footrests; I suppose that technically it’s a scooter rather than an e-bike, though the latter is how the company is marketing it.

It tops out at 30 mph, and the company says the removable battery is good for 40 to 60 miles of range.

It looks pretty strange on the road:

What do you think of the form? I find the proportions jarring, but can’t take my eyes off of it.


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