Package Design Problem? Oshun’s Electrolyte Concentrate

A startup called Oshun sells concentrated electrolytes. Their 250mL bottle makes “200 large glassfuls” of their hydrating beverage, and since most of their target market has access to water, they’re presumably saving a ton on shipping.

However, look at their packaging design:

I’m mystified; “boutique cosmetics” is a strange aesthetic choice for what is essentially a sports drink. Do you reckon this was intentional, or that they simply failed to hire a package designer and DIY’d it?

Also: Do you feel that certain product categories, by dint of incumbency, “own” certain package design forms? There are, for instance, hemmorhoid creams that come in toothpaste-like tubes, and I always thought that was a bad idea. I associate pump-top packaging with soaps and shampoos, and think I’d feel subconscious resistance to drinking something that came out of a pump-top.


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