Meadow’s Daisy Top Aluminum Refill Packaging System

Swedish company Meadow is rethinking packaging for sustainability’s sake. Targeting the cosmetics and personal care industries, where packaging is typically plastic, Meadow has turned to aluminum instead. They’ve devised a refill concept that incorporates aluminum cans of standard size, so as to use existing tooling; the only difference is there’s no pull-tab.

Instead the can goes into the company’s aluminum pump dispenser. When the consumer screws it shut, there’s an audible cracking noise as the can is pierced, providing the audio cue that it’s ready for business.

“By using aluminium beverage cans as refill cartridges, we can access an unparalleled recycling collection infrastructure,” the company writes.

The company is looking to license this Daisy Top system, as it’s called, out to existing brands.


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