A Desktop Wind Tunnel for Toy Cars

A startup called Fun Tech Lab is Kickstarting this Windsible gadget. It’s a desktop wind tunnel for toy cars, where you can control the flow and theoretical speed of the vapor trails.

It comes in three different sizes, to accommodate cars of 1:18, 1:24 and 1:64 scale. Prices are $289, $200 and $130, respectively. The company doesn’t say how it works, nor offer much detail about the vapor itself. They only mention it comes with one bottle of “fog fluid,” and do not say where you’re supposed to buy more when it runs out, nor how much it would cost.

I’m always wary of products like this, where they’re produced by a startup and require regular purchase of a consumable in order to work. If they go belly-up, you’re left with an expensive paperweight.

Kickstarter backers have no such fear. The Windsible has been successfully funded with $170K in pledges and counting, with 41 days left to pledge at press time.


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