Kuka’s Autonomous Mobile Platform Robots have Startlingly Good Looks

German company Kuka Robotics has a line of AMP (autonomous mobile platform) robots, the largely unseen-by-the-public ‘bots that move heavy things around warehouses. Aesthetically speaking, their design is clean, futuristic, and unmistakably German:

They won a Red Dot Award in the Best of the Best category:

“The brightly colored [AMPs] are characterized above all by the continuous diamond-shaped bevel of their corners. This is not only due to a uniform, attractive design language, but also makes the robots safer, more compact and lighter. Safety was also a key consideration in the design of the signal lights. Mounted on several inclined surfaces, they can be seen by personnel from any angle. Rounded front and rear sides also reduce the risk of injury in some variants.”

“The core components of the AMRs can be easily and simply disassembled; this allows workers to carry out maintenance and troubleshooting without having to laboriously remove the cover or upper support plate. This also increases work efficiency.”

“The jury was completely convinced by the design of the industrial robots: ‘With the KMP series, KUKA has achieved a powerful, yet friendly industrial aesthetic, perfectly integrated into a product that focuses on efficiency, durability and safety.'”


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