Product Design with Contrived UX: A Tumbler with a Physically Corresponding Coaster

This Kings Mountain Whiskey Tumbler, by a faceless housewares brand called Ecletticos, is sold with a physically corresponding coaster. I suppose it’s meant to appeal to those who enjoy watching GIFs of things fitting together perfectly.

It comes in two different heights.

The downside, of course, is that you can only use the coaster with a glass of this sort. Reminds me of the Mitch Hedberg joke on why gift certificates are a terrible gift: “You take money that was good everywhere….”

Even stranger: In addition to the “Single-Peak” version, they also offer this “Multi-Peak” model:

So now the user must properly orient the glass before setting it down. While drinking booze.

I do detest this kind of contrived UX design, that forces extra interactive steps on the user for the sake of whimsy; nevertheless, this thing is actually in production, so there are presumably buyers who enjoy this sort of thing.

Design entrepreneurs out there, remember that when there’s a will, there’s a way. Revisit your never-pursued projects; perhaps there’s a market out there after all.


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