AI-assisted keyboard streamlines workflow for IT professionals and content creators

If you ever wondered what the next big leap in technology could be, it surely is artificial intelligence. Set to take the world we live in by storm in the coming decade, the future is exciting as we all witness the metamorphosis in our daily routine thanks to this promising evolution.

As a coder or content creator, if you always wanted AI to be by your side to streamline processes, now is a good time to be alive. So, why not a mechanical keyboard that employs AI to your advantage to stay ahead of the curve?

Designer: Junha Kahm

While most of us prefer the Logitech MX Mechanical Keyboard, Corsair K70 RGB Pro, 8Bitdo Retro Mechanical Keyboard or Keychron Q Series – the Sparrow AI keyboard wants to dethrone them all with functionality so unique, that you’ll want to grab it right away. As the name suggests, the keyboard is tailored for productive workflow out of the box with its advanced AI-assisted features.

The smart keyboard has a semi-transparent display on the front that constantly keeps giving useful inputs and insight about the things you are typing on it. For example, if you are a coder and typing down lines of code and by mistake inputting a wrong code, Sparrow is mindful enough to suggest a rectification. The same is true for content creators who can benefit from the keyboard’s constant learning ability to weed any errors out of the workflow.

If you want to interact with the peripheral, there’s a switch button on the left that allows you to have a conversation right on the keyboard interface rather than going to your preferred AI program for help. When you want to use the traditional keyboard function and turn off any AI assists, it is as simple as toggling off the switch button.

This idea of an AI-assisted keyboard has every reason to make it past the concept and prototype stage. What do you think?

The post AI-assisted keyboard streamlines workflow for IT professionals and content creators first appeared on Yanko Design.


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