Can You Identify Any of These Prop Chair Designs?

The Star Trek fan site Ex Astris Scientia has identified and attributed 163 commercially-available chairs that appear as props in the franchise. However, there’s still 52 chair designs they haven’t been able to ID.

You can help out, if you recognize any of the following:

(Two photos above) Asymmetric black steel chair, sited in: Barclay’s quarters on the Enterprise-D; Geordi’s quarters on the Enterprise-D. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Realm of Fear” as well as in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Aquiel.”

(Two photos above) Red audience chair, sited in: Starfleet Academy hearing room; Starfleet Academy classroom. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “The First Duty.” Also appears in “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “Endgame.”

(Two photos above) Stool/chair with tubular backrest, sited in: Deep Space 9; Voyager crew quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Statistical Probabilities” as well as “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “Prophecy.”

Simple rounded lounge chair, sited in Tuvok’s office. Appears in “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “Meld.”

Red/yellow sofa set, sited in Ren’s house on Banean homeworld. Appears in “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “Ex Post Facto.”

Steel chair with curved legs, sited in Species 8472’s Starfleet simulation. Appears in “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “In the Flesh.”

Metallic chair with small backrest, sited in Jupiter Station. Appears in “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “Life Line.”

Wooden dining chair with high backrest, sited in Yanas Tigan’s house. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Prodigal Daughter.”

Wicker chair with heart-shaped backrest, sited in Ren’s house on Banean homeworld. Appears in “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “Ex Post Facto.”

Gray chair, sited in Deep Space 9 guest quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Rejoined.”

Gray sofa, sited in Dax’s quarters on Deep Space 9. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Rejoined.”

Bar stool with tiny seat and tiny backrest, sited in Species 8472’s Starfleet simulation, sited in . Appears in “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “In the Flesh.”

Whimsical lounge chair, sited in Quark’s quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Body Parts.”

(Three photos above) Single-legged stool with round backrest, sited in: Enterprise-D sickbay; USS Yosemite; Amargosa Observatory; “Nightingale” bridge. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Night Terrors;” “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Relics;” “Star Trek: Voyager,” episode “Nightingale.”

Office chair with red padding, sited in Deep Space 9 inventory. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Chrysalis.”

Office chair with split backrest, sited in Starfleet office. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Paradise Lost.” (This appears to be a Grahl Ergonom 66 Duo Back, but we can’t confirm a perfect match so far.)

Wooden dining chair with curved armrest, sited in Sisko’s Creole Kitchen. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Paradise Lost.”

Solid wooden chair, sited in Bajor. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “Cardassians.”

Skinny office chair with high backrest, sited in Deep Space 9 wardroom. Appears in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” episode “It’s Only a Paper Moon.”

Angular plastic chair, sited in Raffi’s quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Picard,” episode “Broken Pieces.”

Office chair with cushion rolls, sited in Titan-A crew quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Picard,” episode “No Win Scenario.”

White office chair with headrest, sited in Rios’s quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Picard,” episode “The End is the Beginning.”

Small sofa, sited in Spock’s quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,” episode “Spock Amok.”

Sofa & chairs, sited in Pike’s quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,” episode “Lift Us Where Suffering….”

Tall conference chair with open backrest, sited in USS Stargazer conference lounge. Appears in “Star Trek: Picard,” episode “The Star Gazer.”

Wide lounge chair, sited in Spock’s quarters. Appears in “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,” episode “Spock Amok.”

Three-legged dining chair, sited in Marla Aster’s house. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “The Bonding.”

Leather swivel chair with armrest, sited in Samuel Cogley’s office. Appears in “Star Trek: The Original Series,” episode “Court Martial.”

(Two photos above) Angular chair with extremely high backrest, sited in: Federation Council; Enterprise-D crew quarters; Starfleet Headquarters meeting room. Appears in “Star Trek: The Voyage Home” as well as “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Conspiracy.”

Chair with tubular backrest and steel armrest, sited in Starbase 173. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “The Measure of a Man.”

Leather swivel chair, sited in Starbase 11 bar. Appears in “Star Trek: The Original Series,” episode “Court Martial.”

Sheet metal chair, sited in Holberg 917G. Appears in “Star Trek: The Original Series,” episode “Requiem for Methuselah.”

Plain aluminium chair, sited in Cochrane’s bar in Montana. Appears in “Star Trek: First Contact.” This is a similar model as the Emeco Navy Chair.

(Two photos above) Patio chair with rounded backrest, sited in: Starbase 173 courtroom; Holographic courtroom. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “The Measure of a Man” as well as “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “A Matter of Perspective.”

Round lounge chair, sited in Worf’s quarters on the Enterprise-D. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “New Ground.”

Office chair with segmented seat and backrest, sited in Nazi facility. Appears in “Star Trek: Enterprise,” episode “Stormfront I.”

Steel dining chair with split backrest, sited in Enterprise-D dining room. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Haven.”

Small angular steel chair, sited in NX Project control room. Appears in “Star Trek: Enterprise,” episode “First Flight.”

Office chair with aluminium frame, sited in NX-01 bridge. Appears in “Star Trek: Enterprise,” episode “Broken Bow.”

Lounge chair with tubular cushions, sited in Earth Spacedock lounge, sited in Starfleet Headquarters lounge. Appears in “Star Trek: The Search for Spock.”

Wrought iron chair, sited in Ressik on Kataan. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “The Inner Light.”

Garden chair, sited in Hotel balcony on Risa. Appears in “Star Trek: Enterprise,” episode “Two Days and Two Nights.”

Shell-shaped lounge chair, sited in Starfleet Headquarters. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Conspiracy.”

Bamboo chair with fishbone pattern, sited in Restaurant on Risa. Appears in “Star Trek: Enterprise,” episode “Two Days and Two Nights.”

Simple metal stool, sited in Enterprise-D nacelle control room. Appears in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” episode “Eye of the Beholder.”

If any of the pieces rang a bell, drop a line here.


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