Simple Design: This Plastic Gizmo Turns 5-Gallon Buckets Into Dustpans

Industrial designer Manuel Golub used 3D-printed legs to turn 5-gallon buckets into rolling stools.

Lowe’s in-house brand Project Source also seeks to make the ubiquitous buckets more useful, with this $6 piece of plastic:

The 5-Gallon Bucket Scoop lets you turn the buckets into dustpans…

…and use it as a paint roller that drips back into the bucket. This is probably only useful if you buy paint in 5-gallon buckets; I had to do this a bunch when I was running a photo studio, and this would have saved me time and mess—if it works well. It would depend on how strong the connection to the bucket was, and how much that thing flexes.

Product photography overreach: I see zero improved utility in the following application.

And apparently the connection is watertight, if you need to bail. (Though frankly, as with the rocks above, I’m not sure this is a huge improvement over just using the bare bucket.)

I think the dustpan application’s the strongest.


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