Amusingly Elaborate Early Designs for Pencil Sharpeners

Is there anything more fun than seeing early, experimental designs for now-commonplace objects? As in, the wild things people tried before the dominant form factor emerged.

Rescue & Restore shows us five proto-pencil-sharpeners that they restored, and demonstrates how they operate. Some you can guess how they work by looking at them, others are a surprise:

1886 Gem Sandpaper Pencil Sharpener By Gould & Cook

1890s Perfect Pointer Pencil Sharpener

1904 Little Shaver Pencil Sharpener

As examples of early UX considerations, the ones designed with a shavings capture bin should get extra points:

1910 Peerless Pencil Whittler Sharpener

1920s Avanti Pencil Sharpener

How disappointed would those inventors be, to know that we’ve whittled it down to this:


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