This electric train’s transparent panoramic roof gives you an open-air view as you travel across the country

Designed by 2050.LAB, the AIRSCP is a concept electric-driven train designed to elevate the travel experience. Its cutting-edge design cleverly combines metal and glass, creating an exterior that’s equal-parts sleek, aerodynamic, edgy, and luxurious. The defining characteristic of the AIRSCP? Its stunning panoramic roof that allows people seated on the upper tier to have an incredible open-air experience while on their journey.

A winner of the Red Dot Design Concept Award, AIRSCP strives for “new, pleasant passenger experiences that will convince people to use public transportation instead of private vehicles”, says the design team at 2050.LAB, a Russia-based transport-focused design studio.

Designer: 2050.LAB

The electric train comes with a two-tiered seating system, offering the ability to carry more passengers per trip. The AIRSCP’s design, however, isn’t like your average train. It comes with a sprawling cockpit for the driver, complete with a wide windshield and a display on top that lets people know where the train’s headed. People enter the train through doors on the sides, and can either be seated on the lower tier, or head to the upper tier for a more immersive experience, thanks to the large transparent roof that offers either an abundance of natural light or the ability to ride cross-country under the stars.

The AIRSCP comes with a bright light mounted right above the train’s display, illuminating the road ahead, while an overhang on the bottom front serves as a crash protection system, ensuring the safety of the passengers and the driver. The area right above the control cockpit provides a unique PoV for the riders, allowing them to see things from the driver’s perspective. “With soft and comfortable surfaces, it can even be used as a children’s playground or a place of relaxation”, mentions 2050.LAB’s team lead Eugeny Maslov.

The AIRSCP is a winner of the Red Dot Design Concept Award for the year 2021.

The post This electric train’s transparent panoramic roof gives you an open-air view as you travel across the country first appeared on Yanko Design.


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