LEGO Vintage Toaster will actually take white brick slices and turn them into brown LEGO toast!

Although it’s using the classic switcheroo rather than actually toasting the plastic bricks, LEGO master builder dimexart’s vintage toaster build is nothing short of fascinating!

In the latest series of weirdly awesome LEGO builds that actually work (like this LEGO lawnmower, or LEGO Polaroid camera), dimexart’s LEGO Vintage Toaster is a rather cool retro-inspired appliance that turns leavened bread slices into nice, golden toast. The entire build is made from LEGO (including the toast too, sadly), and uses about 658 LEGO bricks, along with 2 rubber bands that get the toast to come vaulting out of the appliance!

Designer: dimexart

The LEGO Vintage Toaster was recently awarded a ‘Staff Pick’ in the LEGO Ideas forum. The forum invites users and enthusiasts to submit their LEGO designs, and calls upon the community to vote for their favorite builds. Builds that get 10,000 votes are then reviewed by LEGO’s staff, and get the honor of being turned into a box set that people can then buy. The Vintage Toaster, for instance, just crossed the 5K vote mark, with another 605 days to go till the voting period ends.

This isn’t dimexart’s first rodeo, though. The seasoned builder has been quite the LEGO enthusiast, all the way back since 1997 when he was 8 years old. In fact, his antique cash register recently crossed the 10K line, and is now in the process of being converted into a retail kit!

The way the toaster works is rather simple. Just put the white slices of bread into their designated slots and pull down on the lever to ‘get them toasting’. Meanwhile, the toaster already has a pair of brown slices loaded on the inside that get pushed into place upon pressing a button on the front. Then lift the lever back up and the brown toast pops out with a spring, just like the real deal! Although I’m pretty sure this one’s gluten-free… Don’t quote me on it, though.

The post LEGO Vintage Toaster will actually take white brick slices and turn them into brown LEGO toast! first appeared on Yanko Design.


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